Seven figures loomed out of the darkness, robed and with frightful masks covering their faces. As the audience sat in awe, their eyes riveted to the stage and their breath held, the air crackled with tension.
Then, in a long, calculated gesture, they took off their masks, revealing who they were in a thrilling scene that shocked the audience. The air was filled with gasps and a tremendous roar, but Simon’s response was far more impressive. His eyes widened and his lips dropped; he instantly knew them. The whole audience went crazy at that very moment.
A variety act from Britain’s Got Talent 2010 can be seen in the video below. A group of seven men wearing masks and robes came onto the stage during Auditions Week 4. Nobody knew what they were going to do. However, none of them could have foreseen what would happen to them. The Chippendoubles’ unexpected performance astounded everyone.
Professional celebrity lookalikes with extensive industry experience who are also entertainers are included in this group. They advanced to the semi-finals of the show, and the public still liked them when they left. “Expect the Unexpected” is their motto. Look out for the surprises this extraordinary ensemble has planned!
See this incredible performance below! Were all of the impersonators in this performance identifiable to you? Kindly provide your thoughts in the space provided for comments.