Science Shows This 43-Year-Old Model Has The ‘Perfect Body’—But Wait Till She Turns

As frequently as science confirms what we already know to be true, it also occasionally uncovers new information that can be confusing.

A 43-year-old model may have the “ideal figure,” per some recent scientific studies.

Her presence, however, surprised everyone. To learn more about her, keep reading!

It has long been believed that the ideal female body type is that of a fashion model, which translates to being extremely slender.

But get ready to be amazed.

Beauty standards are constantly changing. Kate Moss’s incredibly slim shape has replaced Marilyn Monroe’s voluptuous one as the epitome of beauty.

Women with hourglass bodies are typically adored as a result of this ideal.

However, a recent Texas University study casts doubt on this widely accepted notion.


According to the results, women desire a “fuller” and “curvier” body type.

The data shows that an ideal body mass index is 18.85 with a bust size of 93 cm, a waist size of 61 cm, and hips that measure 87 cm.

A hip-to-waist ratio of.65 to.75 is regarded as healthy, according to the study.

These specifications are nearly perfect for a British model named Kelly Brook.

Despite society’s impression of her as “plump” based on contemporary beauty standards, research indicates that she has the shape that males find most attractive.

However, attractiveness is fundamentally a personal opinion. Individual differences exist in aesthetic preferences and definitions of beauty.

Although this study may have determined the scientifically perfect body type, the non-optimal body types are not invariably unwanted or unattractive.

This study only demonstrates that the conventional standard of female beauty—thinness—does not correspond with scientific agreement.

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Realizing that this study demonstrates the difference in our views of beauty is particularly relevant in the contemporary day, where valuing such diversity is highly regarded.

Plus-size women must be just as attractive as normal models, according to industry standards.

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