Baba Vanga Unsettling Predictions for 2025

The blind Bulgarian clairvoyant Baba Vanga, whose real name was Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, was well-known for her purported precognitive abilities.

The renowned French astrologer known as the “Nostradamus of the Balkans” is credited with foretelling the events of 9/11 and the conflict in Ukraine.

Baba Vanga, a blind Bulgarian seer widely known for her alleged powers of precognition, reportedly claimed that the end of the world will start in 2025.

Even though the mystic healer passed away in 1996, some of her pre-death prophesies are still awaited by her devotees.

In fact, according to some stories, Vanga predicted that a solar storm and nuclear bioweapons would bring about the end of the world in 2023.

Vanga is said to have predicted 9/11 and the war in Ukraine (above), according to the Sun. AFP via Getty Images

Even though the mystic healer passed away in 1996, some of her pre-death prophesies are still awaited by her devotees.

In fact, according to some stories, Vanga predicted that a solar storm and nuclear bioweapons would bring about the end of the world in 2023.

While it’s believed that she did indeed make some predictions, because there is no official recording of them, it’s not clear whether some predictions have come true or gone viral were actually made by Vanga. AP

Vanga’s timeline for the end of humanity

2025: The population of Europe will be devastated by a war.

2028: Venus will be investigated by humans as a potential energy source.

2033: As the polar ice caps melt, sea levels will rise sharply all across the planet.

2076: Communism will infiltrate nations worldwide.

2130: Aliens will contact humans.

2170: Much of the world will be devastated by a drought.

3005: A civilization on Mars and Earth will clash.

3797: Since the Earth is no longer habitable, humans will have to leave it.

5079: The end of the world.

Humanity won’t be wiped out until 5079, but the apocalypse will begin in 2025, allegedly according to Vanga. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Vanga is not alone in claiming to have foreseen the end of the world.

Some said that because the Mayan tribe’s calendar ended on December 21, 2012, they foresaw the end of the world in 2012.

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