She plays the piano by ear before even learning the notes at just 9 years old…

Her passion for music is evident when she starts to play the piano. By the age of nine, she had become a proficient pianist who shared stages with renowned orchestras and received multiple accolades.

Klára Gibišová has given performances at esteemed locations, such as the St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague, where she put on an incredible spectacle. She frequently waits for her teacher’s response to determine whether her performance was satisfactory, even though the audience’s clapping is satisfying.

“I don’t always know if it was good, so I wait to hear from my teacher,” Klára explains.

When she was three years old, she touched a piano for the first time and learned songs by ear without looking at the notes. She recalls using only one finger to play *The Cat Climbing Through the Hole*.

Even though she required assistance just to get to the piano bench, she was playing in concerts by the age of five. Her impassioned playing enthralled her audiences.

Around the age of seven, Klára started taking piano lessons formally. At first, she learned the music by listening to recordings of her lessons. In order for me to practice at home, we used to record the sessions. I started reading music only recently,” she says.

She stays motivated because she enjoys learning new pieces. “My teacher chooses the pieces most of the time, but occasionally she gives me choices. “I particularly enjoy the quick ones,” she says.

Appreciate this outstanding young pianist’s performance of the *Piano Concerto in D Major* conclusion by Haydn!

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