For years, viewers have been enthralled with the iconic game show The Wheel of Fortune. Participants solve puzzles, choose letters, and spin a wheel.People of all ages can play this game, though some people find it difficult to understand. Sometimes the competition is elevated by unexpected competitors.
A participant named Caitlyn stunned everyone by figuring out a puzzle using only one letter that was visible on the board. When she did this, Pat Sajak couldn’t believe it.The game was started by Rick, the first competitor. He asked for the letter R when he spun the wheel, but sadly, the board did not have any Rs.
Unexpectedly, he benefited from this since it’s helpful to know which letters are missing from the board.Before Vanna White could spin the letter, Caitlyn took her turn, asked for the letter L, and hurriedly asked how to solve the riddle.Sajak was hesitant to say yes, but it was obvious that he had doubts about her skills.
Caitlyn revealed the solution after confirming that it was a bonus problem. In the long history of the program, it was a singular occasion. Watch the video below to see it.